Tan Holdings is star sponsor for MMAC 2018

Tan Holdings is start sponsor for MMAC 2018

Tan Holdings is star sponsor for MMAC 2018Tan Holdings repeats its star sponsorship this year in the upcoming Marianas March Against Cancer (MMAC) – the Commonwealth Cancer Association (CCA)’s signature event.

Star sponsorship in the said event is granted to one company or organization that makes a donation worth over $10,000 in cash or in-kind services. Tan Holdings’ donation is composed of $8,000 worth of monetary donation as well as donations of $20,000 worth of t-shirts given to team members, survivors, and sponsors.

The MMAC is a voluntary walk organized to support and remember those who have fought and are fighting cancer through proceeds donated to the organizer group CCA.

Fiesta Saipan Wins Diamond 7th Rakuten Travel event

Fiesta Saipan wins Diamond at 7th Rakuten Travel event

Fiesta Saipan Wins Diamond 7th Rakuten Travel event

Fiesta Resort Saipan wins the Diamond Award for the 7th consecutive time for Japan’s Rakuten Travel Awards this year. Rakuten Travel Award winners are ones that earned high rates and reviews of customer satisfaction. Carrying out of the Japanese value of omotenashi (hospitality) is also a factor.

Rakuten Travel is an online hotel reservation system originating from Japan. Tourists and customers can refer to Rakuten Travel’s awardees to avail the best services that pass their standards.

Fiesta Saipan co-sponsors MINA recycling bin

Fiesta Saipan co-sponsors MINA recycling bin

Fiesta Saipan co-sponsors MINA recycling binFiesta Resort and Spa Saipan with Kanoa Resort Saipan sponsors a Micronesia Islands Nature Alliance (MINA)’s recycling bin. The said bin is located at the Sugar Dock Beach, open for the community to stuff their bottles, cans and plastic containers for proper waste segregation.

Fiesta and Kanoa supports the Tan Holdings’ advocacy for a cleaner environment with less waste and pollution.

TSL Foundation contributes to Miss Marianas

TSL Foundation contributes to Miss Marianas

TSL Foundation contributes to Miss MarianasThe TSL Foundation becomes a major sponsor to the 2018 Miss Marianas Pageant as they donated $1,500 in support for the event hosted by the Stellar Marianas last February 24. The pageant was held at the Fiesta Resort & Spa.

Stellar Marianas aims to promote talent, empowerment, learning, leadership and achievement in the Marianas islands with events such as the pageant.

TSL Foudation supports 670 Sonics Basketball Club event

TSL Foundation supports 670 Sonics Basketball Club event

TSL Foudation supports 670 Sonics Basketball Club eventThe TSL Foundation donates $1,000 to the 670 Sonic Basketball Club’s Fundraising For 3rd Dreamers International Basketball Challenge. The basketball club has been invited to take part in the said competition held annually in Lucban at Quezon Province, Philippines.

Tan Holdings shares the same advocacy with 670 Sonics Basketball Club in the promotion of health and wellness, good citizenship, camaraderie amongst the youth, positive sportsmanship, as well as the love for basketball in the CNMI.

TSL Foundation donates to Annual Canary Walk-a-thon

TSL Foundation donates to Annual Canary Walk-a-thon

TSL Foundation donates to Annual Canary Walk-a-thonTan Holdings donated $1,000 to the San Vicente Elementary School’s Annual Canary Walk-a-thon to be held at the said school on Saturday, February 17, 2018. The said event is public, promoting healthy living by walking a certain number of miles for roughly four hours, from 8:00 am – 12:00 noon.

The Walk-a-thon also features live entertainment, prizes, food, raffle, booths, and various activities for attendees and their families.

TSL Foudation contributes to Annual Golf Tournament

TSL Foundation contributes to Annual Golf Tournament

TSL Foudation contributes to Annual Golf TournamentTan Holdings donates $3,000 in support for the 15th Annual Open Golf Tournament to be hosted by the Northern Marianas College (NMC) Foundation on Saturday, March 3, 2018. The donation will help sponsor the said tournament to pave way for the advancement of NMC’s educational programs and services. This is also in line with Tan Holdings’ advocacy to nurture the health of the people in the community.

The NMC Foundation is a non-profit organization composed of committed community volunteers, primarily from the business sector, who are dedicated to improve CNMI’s higher education by encouraging private and public support for the Northern Marianas College.

Fiesta Saipan's HR Manager earns certification

Fiesta Saipan’s HR Manager earns certification

Fiesta Saipan's HR Manager earns certification

The Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) certifies Pina Deleon Guerrero as a professional in Human Resources. This demonstrates that Deleon Guerrero, Senior HR Manager for Fiesta Resort & Spa Saipan, has a strong background and experience of professional human resource. She is also proven to be effective in implementing her knowledge of the field in the workplace.

The SHRM accreditation signifies that the high standards expected and needed in the HR field has been met. Including Deleon Guerrero, there are currently seven HR professionals in the CNMI that hold a certification from the HR Certification Institute and SHRM.

Tan Holdings VP Quichocho is Saipan's Businessperson of the Year

Tan Holdings VP Quichocho is Saipan’s Businessperson of the Year


Tan Holdings VP Quichocho is Saipan's Businessperson of the YearThe Saipan Chamber of Commerce awarded Tan Holdings Vice President for Business Development Ivan Quichocho as 2017’s Businessperson of the Year.

After declining his past four nominations, the Chamber made the surprise announcement at the Business Person of the Year Gala last January 27 at the Hibiscus Hall of the Fiesta Resort and Spa Saipan.
Acknowledging the rapid growth of global competition, Quichocho believes that to continue CNMI’s economic growth, tighter unity and faster operations would be effective measures to maintain the community’s current market share.

The Business Person of the Year Gala, formerly known as the Chamber’s Installation Dinner, is the organization’s signature fundraising event.

Tan Holdings donates $8,000 to MMAC at the JP Memorial Run

Tan Holdings donates $8,000 to MMAC at the JP Memorial Run

Tan Holdings donates $8,000 to MMAC at the JP Memorial Run
The 10th Annual John Pangelinan (JP) Memorial Glow Run hosted by Tan Holdings was joined by a total of 1,534 runners and supporters last Friday, February 2, 2018, exceeding last year’s 1,104. The proceeds, originally at $3,000, were upped to $8,000 by Tan Holdings President Jerry Tan’s writing over the cheque. These were donated to the 2018 Marianas March Against Cancer.

JP Memorial Glow Run is a 5-kilometer annual fundraising run in memory of John Pangelinan, former Tan Holdings executive and publisher of Saipan Tribune.

Corporate Office In-house Eco Brick Project

Corporate Office takes part in The Plastic Solution movement

Corporate Office In-house Eco Brick Project

Corporate Office supports The Plastic Solution’s cause in repurposing plastic bottles into Eco-bricks – fillers in constructing walls, fences, and other functions. The Plastic Solution is an environmental movement aiming to reduce and repurpose plastic waste and save space through easy and actionable steps.

A total of 225 bottles were stuffed and donated in three batches done in July, November, and December. The Corporate Office decided to continue the donations for 2018.

TanHoldings Lose Big, Win Big bags another success

TanHoldings Lose Big, Win Big bags another success

TanHoldings Lose Big, Win Big bags another success

Tan Siu Lin Foundation’s Lose Big Win Big: Saipan Edition concluded last November 13 with winners Roldan Pelagio and Bryan Valenton, whose combined body fat loss amounted to roughly 49.80%. The three month-long contest ran from August to October, with regular weigh-ins to monitor the participants’ progresses.

As an effort to encourage the community to take care of their health and commit to a healthy lifestyle, the Tan Siu Lin Foundation has seen the success of Lose Big Win Big since its beginning in 2016 and vows to continue running the competition yearly to further follow the purpose.

Tango Theatres' HEROCON brings together superhero and cosplay fans

Tango Theatres’ HEROCON brings together superhero and cosplay fans

Tango Theatres' HEROCON brings together superhero and cosplay fans

Photos by Ricardo Duenas, The Guam Daily Post

Fans of all ages gathered last December 9 at HEROCON – the first free superhero, cosplay and hobby convention sponsored by Tango Theatres Inc. in honor of their 19th anniversary.

The free cosplay event gathered 34 main participants, 18 vendors and 8 exhibitors. Many comic book, cartoon and anime fans and geeks came dressed as their favorite superhero, villain, or fictional identities. Crowds of viewers and onlookers visited the site for take photos with the cosplayers and check out the booths.

The success of the event determined the favorableness of Tango to organize another Herocon, thus making it an annual event.

TSL Foundation Scholarships

TSL Foundation grants scholarships to Northern Marianas College students

TSL Foundation Scholarships

The Tan Siu Lin (TSL) Foundation awarded $10,000 to Northern Marianas College students pursuing college degrees, as part of the TSL Foundation’s Scholarship Program, which has been in effect annually for 10 years.

Being a premier institution for professional growth in the region, efforts of the TSL Foundation to continuously provide scholarships allow them to achieve the goal of expanding higher education opportunities.

Lina Dimaano

TanHoldings VP receives Environmental Champ Award

Lina DimaanoTanHoldings Vice President for Finance Lina Dimaano was awarded Environmental Champion by Micronesia Islands Nature Alliance (MINA) on its 3rd Annual Green Gala held last September 16. The award recognizes Dimaano’s efforts and intentions of saving the environment.

Dimaano has led the implementation of conservation efforts within TanHoldings including but not limited to promoting the three R’s (Reduce, Re-use, Recycle), reducing the use of paper, as well as participation to World Wildlife Fund’s Earth Hour.

TanHoldings and TSL Foundation leads 16th Anniversary of 9/11

TanHoldings and TSL Foundation leads 16th Anniversary of 9/11

TanHoldings and TSL Foundation leads 16th Anniversary of 9/11 TanHoldings and TSL Foundation leads 16th Anniversary of 9/11TanHoldings and the TSL Foundation led the CNMI to an effort marking the 16th anniversary of the 9/11 attack by honoring its victims and first responders last September 11 at the American Memorial Park.

The commemoration starts with the Freedom Walk walkathon and posting of sponsored American flags, in which proceeds will go to treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Tan Holdings also took the opportunity to honor everyday heroes, military veterans, military service members, police officers, firefighters, emergency medical technicians, disaster responders, as well as all other first responders.

Tanholdings remains as Saipan's strongest community

TanHoldings remains as Saipan’s strong community partner at its 45th year

Tanholdings remains as Saipan's strongest communitySaipan recognizes TanHoldings’ active participation through different Strategic Business Units and Tan Siu Lin (TSL) Foundation, in areas of environmental awareness, education, health and fitness, sports as well as issues among veterans/first responders.

Activities initiated and/or supported by TanHoldings include beach cleanups and tree plantings, scholarships, shirt donations, the annual Marianas March Against Cancer, sports club and camp sponsorships and hosting, health and fitness contests, and internship programs.

Tan Holdings is currently co-sponsoring Pacific Century Fellows program—a platform for young leaders for learning about current issues and ways for getting involved.


Tan Holdings participates at 2017 Liberation Day


Tan Holdings participated in the 72nd Liberation Day celebration held last July 4. Liberation Day commemmorates the emancipation of island residents from the confines of Camp Susupe and the repatriation of Japanese, Korean and Okinawan citizens following World War II.

This year’s Tan Holdings float features several flowers such as ginger blossons and birds of paradise, as well as trees including coconut and banana, signifying the abundance of tropical flora in the Marianas. The float also follows the theme “Celebrating Cultures, Community and Service” with riders wearing traditional attire or military uniform, and with photo collages of those who contributed exceptional service to the community. The CNMI’s values such as strength and resilience were symbolized by the bamboo used as its base and frame.


CTSI Saipan’s General Manager finishes Management Course


CTSI Saipan’s General Manager Joven Cruz participated in the 93rd Management Development Program at the prestigious Asian Institute of Management (AIM) in Makati, Philippines, last April 24 to May 19.

The General Manager found the said program to be a rich resource of new ideas, insights, and perspectives on how to be a better leader as well as a review on the significance of leaders to their respective positions in the company.