Century Hotel launches Live Chat online

fiesta March 13, 2015, Saipan – Century Hotel today launched a brand new live chat feature on their website. This new feature allows website visitors to directly engage hotel front desk staff and make inquiries about traveling to Saipan or their reservation arrangements at the hotel.

Century Hotel General Manager Ivan Quichocho, said: “This brings our guest relations right out there on the internet and within reach of our guests’ fingertips.”

Century Hotel is currently undergoing some renovations in line with new plans on sprucing up the hotel and be even more welcoming to its guests.

POI Aviation Team Give CNY Presents to Key Clients

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During the Chinese New Year 2015 celebration, POI Aviation management and staff presented their valued clients with tokens of their appreciation for the good business and good relationships.

Led by Aurelia Kretzers, POI Aviation General Manager and her Management Team, they presented fruit baskets to key clients like:

Asiana Regional Manager Sung Nam Park, Jeju Air Branch Manager Kim Yu Seok and the flight crews of Sichuan Airlines and China Eastern.

Kretzers, said: “This is just a small token in celebration of the New Year and in appreciation of our clients loyalty and good relations with POI Aviation.”


Let’s Go Team rids Mt. Tapochau of Trash

fiestaMarch 11, 2015, Saipan, MP – On March 10 team members of the Let’s Go Tour Company collected several large bags of trash from Mt. Tapochau. The volunteers decided as a group that they would help the community by collecting trash that was accumulating in the parking lot and around the viewing decks.

Steve Sablan, Operation Manager said, “All of our guides are from Saipan and they take pride in their Island. Mt. Tapochau is absolutely one of the most beautiful places in the region and having a clean tourist stop makes it easier for our guides to show how pristine our islands are.”

The guides also brought tools with them to collect trash that was hanging over ledges and obstructing photos and views of Garapan.

Dan Sanchez, one of Let’s Go’s tour guides, said “Every time I bring tourists up here I always try to pick up some trash, and I’m glad my co-workers and I got together to do this. We’re going to keep doing this each time we come up here.”

The cleanup drive was given the monicker, “Let’s Help!” It’s a call-to-action that matches the “Let’s Go” brand in more ways that one. Where the company name connotes fun and action-packed adventure, in the “Let’s Help” effort, team members inject fun and light banter while helping the community. Sanchez adds, “We all have fun doing this. We get to drive our Razrs and do some good for the community at the same time.”

Let’s Go Tour Company also promised to donate a commercial ashtray for visitors use.

“We collected lots of cigarette butts throughout the area. In these windy and dry weather patterns, this could be disastrous for our environment. At least having somewhere to safely extinguish cigarettes would mitigate this problem.” Sablan said.

Let’s Go tour Company is the latest venture under Tan Holdings Corporation. The business group has heavily invested in tourism and hospitality products over the years in long-term support for the economy of the CNMI and its people.

Kanoa GM visits Hospitality Class in Saipan.

Last March 2, 2015, Kanoa Resort General Manager, Wendi Herring was a guest speaker at the Saipan Southern High School hospitality class.
The class, taught by Kanae Quinn, gives students a glimpse into the hospitality industry, and helps prepare them to join the Saipan workforce.
“Saipan is such a big part of my career, I’ve met such great people on this Island and stared my journey into the industry on these shores. I’m glad to have met and spoken to these young adults to share my experiences in the hopes that they follow their dreams like I did when I was their age,” Wendi Herring said.
Calling it “a great experience,” Kanoa Resort’s recently-appointed General Manager related the activity to helping out the community in small ways.
Each of us that are in a position to help, must reach out to our young students and speak to them about opportunities, the need to study hard and to follow your dreams,” she added.

Fiesta Resort & Spa Saipan and NMTI sign training MOA

fiesta March 4, 2015, Saipan – Fiesta Resort & Spa Saipan and the Northern Marianas Trades Institute (NMTI) entered into a Memorandum of Agreement to establish two mutually beneficial skills development and apprenticeship programs: one in hotel and restaurant operations and the other in culinary arts.

Both the hotel and restaurant operations program and the culinary arts program prepare students for entry into post-secondary education and/or immediate employment in the hospitality industry.

Signatories to the MOA were Abner Acosta, General Manager of Fiesta Resort & Spa Saipan, NMTI Board Chairman John Oliver Gonzales, Vice-Chairman Joseph Torres, and NMTI CEO Agnes McPheters.

Abner Acosta, General Manager of Fiesta Resort & Spa Saipan said that “this MOA helps the NMTI fulfill its mission to provide education and skills programs for students while simultaneously allowing us in the hotel industry to attain both our operational goals and our mission to support the community in terms of jobs and livelihood.” “This is a win-win for both the NMTI and Fiesta Resort,” he added.

For the Culinary Arts program, Fiesta’s Sous Chef Bernard Manansala will serve as instructor.

This program will cover sanitation and food safety, food preparation, service, and interpersonal skills. Fiesta Resort & Spa Saipan’s kitchen will be the venue for this program and will serve as a training ground for students as they consider career opportunities and prepare to enter the Saipan workforce.

Hotel completes its Adopt-a-Bus Stop Painting Project

Fiesta Resort & Spa Saipan painted 3 more bus stops along Beach Road on January 17, 2015. This completes their goal of painting 5 bus stops.

Managers and team members of the hotel took to the streets of Garapan to give the bus stops a “face lift” with a new coat of paint.

The Fiesta team agreed that keeping the bus stops clean is only half the challenge. What’s equally important is that they keep these bus stops free of graffiti. Fiesta General Manager Abner Acosta said: “We will continue to maintain and keep these bus stops clean as part of our commitment to serve the community and keep our neighborhood beautiful.

Fiesta Resort & Spa Saipan initiated the Adopt-a-Bus Stop Painting Project and took responsibility over 5 bus stops in the Garapan area from the CNMI Public School System (PSS).

Fiesta Resort Sustains Momentum in Laudable Clean-up Drive.


February 28, 2015, Garapan- 30 volunteers made up of staff and management of Fiesta Resort & Spa Saipan collected 40 bags of trash and debris weighing 80 lbs. as part of their commitment to help keep the CNMI clean and beautiful.

“Co-workers and bosses turn out for this activity, which we have been conducting regularly for 2 years now. It’s our little contribution to help the community and environment,” says Elena Soll, Fiesta Resort’s Public and Employee Relations Manager.

“After the cleanup, is the fill-up, as volunteers are treated by management to a hearty breakfast. Everyone enjoys the treat,” she adds.

In 2013, Fiesta Resort & Spa Saipan adopted the 1-mile stretch along Beach Rd. from the Fire Department to Angaha Rd.

Hotels Undergo Important Training Programs


Fiesta Resort and Spa Saipan and the Kanoa Resort recently underwent a series of training sessions facilitated by Renee Acosta, Technical Trainer for Asia Pacific Hotels, Inc., which oversees Tan Holdings’ hotel businesses.

Last February 11, Kanoa Resort staff undertook a Driving Safety Training Program. On February 14, Kanoa Resort staff also participated in a telephone Courtesy Training Program. And on February 22, Fiesta Resort and Spa Saipan staff participated in the Personal Protective Equipment Training.

Renee Acosta, who currently handles all the training requirements of the hotel group, said: “We received positive feedback from the participants on our trainings so far. It’s good that they all see the value in these simple, yet important sessions. On our part, we have calendared a series of trainings for 2015 and we look forward to engaging the teams.”

Abner Acosta, Fiesta Resort and Spa Saipan General Manager and Wendi Herring, General Manager for Kanoa Resort both had these to say about the recent training sessions:

“Work Safety, and the safety and welfare of our guests are of paramount importance in our business, and we want to be sure that we are well within international standards. Our guests should enjoy their stay with us without a care in the world,” said Acosta.

“These trainings are also about empowering our people, and giving them the right skills, tools and knowhow to improve upon their responsibilities at the resort. By doing things in a better, safer way, they add value to their roles. At the end of the day, all these will contribute to higher levels of customer service,” added Herring.

POI Aviation managers undergo key training activity


The management team of POI Aviation recently underwent the “Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People” workshop at their office in Saipan.

The workshop, led by POI General Manager Aurelia Kretzers and facilitated by POI Aviation’s HR Director, Malou Dela Cruz-Ernest, is in line with the company’s thrust to improve service levels in both operations and customer service; and, to bring innovation into the everyday mindset of all team members.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, developed by Steven Covey, presents a business approach to being effective in attaining goals by aligning oneself to what he calls “true north” principles.

Tan Holdings Vice-President for Business Development Ivan Quichocho, who oversees POI Aviation says this is “first step in a series of trainings for our people.”

POI General Manager Aurelia Kretzers said: “Our ultimate goal is always focused on strengthening customer service and operations. Since our teams represent other airlines at the airport check-in counters, it is imperative that we protect our partners’ good names and reputations at all times.

Beyond the call of duty



Fiesta Guam Lifeguard Dexter Calamba received the Guam Hotel and Restaurant Association (GHRA) “Beyond the Call of Duty – Life Saving Award” for the 1st Quarter of 2014. Calamba was honored at the GHRA General Membership Meeting last March 20, 2014 at Hotel Nikko Guam.

Calamba was nominated for his action in saving two Fiesta hotel guests who wandered too far at Tumon Bay back in November of last year.

The Beyond the Call of Duty Program is designed to give special recognition to the individuals who contributed towards the prevention of crimes against Guam visitors.

SOPHIA- Fiesta Walk 2014

SOPHIA Walk 2014A hundred and forty walkers and runners of all ages gathered at Fiesta Resort & Spa Saipan last May 17 for the annual SOPHIA- Fiesta Walk.

The event, organized by the Marianas Walking Association and Fiesta Resort, promotes the benefits of good health and physical fitness as well as meeting new friends and having fun. The 5k walk started and ended at Fiesta Resort with a turning point at Gold Beach Hotel. Volunteers from Fiesta Resort manned the water station as the Marianas Health Services volunteers checked blood pressure and performed blood sugar tests for interested participants. Also on site were volunteers from the Commonwealth Cancer Association handing out brochures and pamphlets to educate community about the disease.

Special recognitions were also given to the following: Former First Lady Sophia Tenorio (Oldest Female Participant); Suisa Nishikawa( Youngest Female Participant – 3 yrs. Old); Nemoto Shuji (Oldest Male Participant – 76 yrs. Old) and Jim Takeru (Youngest Male – 7 yrs. Old)

Fiesta Resort receives Rakuten Award four years in a row

Fiesta Resort wins Rakuten Award four years in a row



Fiesta Resort and Spa Saipan is once again the proud recipient of the Diamond Award from Japan’s largest online reservation website, Rakuten Travel. Rakuten hosted the annual awards ceremony in the Azucena Room of Fiesta Resort last April 9.

The Diamond Award is given to the year’s most outstanding hotel; celebrating the hotel’s achievements and recognizing its high volume of sales as well as overall satisfaction with customer service and facilities.

Tan Holdings charters Boy Scouts CNMI District

Tan Holdings chartes Boy Scout CNMITan Holdings had pledged to charter and support the revival of the Boy Scouts of America Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) District.

Tan Holdings Corporate Consultant Dave Sablan said that three companies within the Tan Holdings organization will be volunteering their supervision.The three comprise these volunteers; Argie Buensalido of CTSI Logistics, Frank Cabrera and Melvin Masga of Fiesta Resort & Spa Saipan, and Kinty Elieisar of D&Q.

The new effort to revive the charter will start small, ensuring everything is in place before the recruitment of the members begins, District Chair Wayne Gillespie stated

Elementary students receive new sportswear from the Tan Siu Lin Foundation

Students from Dandan Elementary School (photo from Saipan Tribune)Over 5,000 new dri-fit shirts were distributed to students in 11 public elementary schools on Saipan last month courtesy of the Tan Siu Lin Foundation. The shirts were given to Garapan, William S. Reyes, Tanapag, Kagman, San Antonio, Koberville, Dandan,Oleai, GTC, San Vicente, and Rota elementary schools.

Tan Holdings President and CEO Jerry Tan personally accompanied the distribution team and helped in handing out the shirts at each school. Each student received a dri-fit shirt, custom printed with the logo of their respective school.  These shirts are the same quality used for Saipan Soccer School athletes and the Northern Mariana Islands Football Association.

The teachers and staff also received Polo shirts by Ralph Lauren custom printed with their respective school logos as well.

Jerry Tan shared the foundation’s passion and commitment on the value of education and sports and hopes this small gesture will be cherished by the children.


The Tan Siu Lin Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Tan Holdings, committed to uplifting the quality of life in the communities that it serves.

Luen Thai Donates to the Tuloy Foundation

Luen Thai Donates to the Tuloy Foundation

CTSI Logistics CEO Jerry Tan with twin brother Luen Thai President Raymond Tan and friends George and Richard Lai spent an afternoon with the kids of Tuloy Foundation at Don Bosco, Alabang last January 16 to present a donation of 6 million pesos to the foundation’s football program.

Known as sports aficionados and advocates of giving back to the community, the group brought along coaches from Hong Kong Chelsea as well as from Luen Thai’s own football team to play a part in strengthening the foundation’s football program. Father Rocky Evangelista, founder of Tuloy Foundation, has made sports an integral part of the foundation’s activities and an avenue for personal growth for the kids who once lived in the streets.

The children under the care of Tuloy Foundation won second place at the 2010 Street Child World Cup.

Tuloy Foundation, Inc. is a non-government, not-for-profit organization founded in 1993 by Fr. Marciano “Rocky” G. Evangelista. The foundation is committed to mend a home to the poor, abandoned, homeless children.

Tan Holdings and CTSI Logistics raise funds for PhilippineTyphoon Haiyan victims

Tan Holdings, CTSI Logistics Employees and the TSL Foundation reach out to Super Typhoon Haiyan SurvivorsEmployees from the different companies under Tan Holdings, as well as sister company CTSI Logistics, donated over fifty thousand dollars to the survivors of Super Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.

Tan Holdings President and CTSI Logistics CEO Jerry Tan represented the companies in a turnover ceremony held with Philippine Consul General BayaniMangibin in Guam. Two checks amounting to

$27,874 and $25,200 representing the donations from employees of Tan Holdings and CTSI Logistics, respectively, were given to the consulate. The Tan Siu Lin Foundation also helped by matching the amounts raised by the employees.

Super Typhoon Haiyan is considered to be one of the strongest typhoons in history, leaving over four thousand dead, and over five hundred thousand structures damaged.

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Kanoa Resort donates to Top Chef Competition

Kanoa Resort donates to Top Chef Competition

Kanoa Resort Saipan is the most recent business venture in Saipan to donate to Saipan’s Next Top Chef Competition set this November. The hotel donated gift certificates, including a one-night stay, dinner and gift certificates to the hotel bar.
The competition will not only determine the next Top Chef but at the same time will raise funds for the Empty Vessel Ministry, an organization focused on outreach projects in Kenya, the Philippines and Bangladesh.
Kanoa Resort Resident Manager Mark Ratliff stated that the hotel is more than happy and honored to help for a good cause.

Fiesta Resorts receive Certificate of Excellence from Travel Website

TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence


TripAdvisor, an esteemed travel website awarded the Certificate of Excellence 2013 to Fiesta Resort and Spa Saipan and Fiesta Resort Guam. The award honors hospitality excellence, and is given only to establishments that consistently achieve outstanding traveler reviews. The recipients represent the Top 10 percent of businesses listed on the world’s largest travel site.

Makaka Beach Clean Up

Fiesta Saipan Beach Clean Up

Last July 27, Fiesta Resort and Spa Saipan took part in another clean up at Makaka Beach where twenty eight volunteers filled thirty-five bags of trash, debris, and unwanted grass at the beachfront area. The collected waste totaled to an enormous 400 lbs.

Fiesta Resort and Spa Saipan is committed in keeping Saipan’s beaches a beautiful and clean marine environment for the island community.

Tan Holdings Sportsfest 2013

2013 TH Sportsfest_lowTeam members from all Saipan-based SBUs (Strategic Business Unit) of Tan Holdings came together for the first Tan Holdings Sports fest.

The two-day event from June 29 to 30 featured a friendly competition of coed basketball, volleyball, futsal, badminton, ping pong, dodge ball and cheering and was held at three different venues.

Participating companies were Kanoa Resort, Century Tours, POI Aviation, Fiesta Resort and Spa, Century Hotel, CTSI Logistics, D&Q Distribution, Cosmos Distribution and Tan Holdings (JP Plaza / TSL Plaza).