This summer, Tan Holdings Corporate Affairs, sent out applications for an internship program for Tan Holdings employee’s kids between the ages of 16-18. This is the pilot year for this program and it began with a partnership with Kanoa Resort. Kanoa’s General Manager Wendi Herring, and Director of Operations Glenn Policare, warmly welcomed the program and created a curriculum that would provide a diverse amount of exposure for the students. This included five departments within Kanoa Resort; Food and Beverage, Front Office, Sports and Recreation, Engineering and Housekeeping.
On July 14, the students came in for an interview with Glenn and Corporate Affairs Program Specialist Eunice Angeles. The interview process was a first for most of the students. Every Monday, the students came in for personal development training with both Eunice and Tan Holdings Corporate Affairs Vice President, Catherine Attao. From Tuesdays to Fridays, the students were at Kanoa Resort to report for duty. Under the guidance and supervision of Ruth Anne Bagne, Ricardo Cruz Jr., Mario Domingo, Ribedindo Pablo, Arthur Saw, Danny Dela Cruz, Roy Tan, Darrel Roligat and Matthew Duenas, the students were able to train, work and learn the specific tasks that each department implements daily. Their daily tasks varied by department as well as their working hours. This taught the interns about flexibility and time management.
The Interns also had the opportunity to volunteer for the JP Walk/Run that took place last July 30th. Volunteer work is highly valued at Tan Holdings and providing this opportunity for the interns was a priority of the Corporate Affairs. The internship program culminated with a graduation ceremony that celebrated at Kanoa Resort’s Latte Stone Conference Room with the interns’ family and friends. During her speech, program participant April Catagatan, expressed her gratitude for a program that not only taught her practical work lessons, but life lessons which she can apply towards a brighter future.
Next summer, Tan Holdings aims to broaden the scope of the internship by providing new opportunities for more individuals and SBU’s to participate in.