A momentous occasion unfolds today with Nauru Airlines’ inaugural flight to Koror, Palau. Acting as the general cargo sales agent and cargo terminal operator, the CTSI team, joined by Ms. Jennifer Sipple, Head of Customer Experience, and Mr. Seth Ika, Cargo Administrator and Capacity Controller of Nauru Airlines, signifies a significant milestone in air connectivity and trade relations.
Nauru Airlines, the national carrier of Nauru, introduces its groundbreaking Island Hopper Service, linking Palau to Brisbane, Australia. Departing Brisbane on November 30, 2023, and arriving in Koror, Palau, on December 1st, 2023, this service heralds the commencement of a transformative journey uniting the Pacific islands.
This weekly service strategically includes stopovers in Nauru, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, and Pohnpei, seamlessly weaving Palau, Australia, and the vibrant Pacific island nations together. Beyond facilitating travel, this route fosters trade, tourism, and cultural exchange among these diverse destinations.
Operating a fleet of Boeing 737 aircraft, Nauru Airlines is dedicated to providing passenger and cargo services across the Pacific.
CTSI Logistics, in partnership with Nauru Airlines, eagerly anticipates a fruitful collaboration, fostering growth, and strengthening ties across the Pacific.